Hello There

How is everyone doing today?  I have been having a great day except for my videos not uploading correctly.  I have two more projects I have done videos for. 

I am hoping they will finish uploading in the wee morning hours while I snooze.  πŸ™‚

I spent this evenings hours having BBQ Chicken, Bacon & Pineapple pizza and playing the new Scrabble Flash with my son — super good evening!  Always love any time I can get — he will be 15 in 3 weeks!!

I received my shipment from PC today with my free inks for the Imagine — what a super deal that was!

Hope all is well and will definitely be posting videos today (1/13)

PS – I really want to thank each and every one of you that have signed up as followers, it means so much to know someone is out there watching.  A big thank you to all the leave comments — I read every single one of them. 

If there are any requests, please let me know.   Leave your request in the comments section. 

Thanks — have a great day πŸ˜€

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